EuroQuest Virtual 2020

When: Nov 4-8, 2020 – virtual

How to participate in EuroQuest Virtual Tournaments

All games use the Discord chat server and a variety of online gaming platforms. This guide will take you through all the steps so you can participate.

Here’s an Overview of how it works

Steps to do in advance:

–Sign up for Discord

–Locate the EuroQuest Discord server (

–Register for the gaming platforms (BGA, Yucata, Boite a jeux, Steam)

–Register for tournaments you want to play in on the BucketofDice site

Steps to do about 15 minutes before the tournament starts:

–Go to the EuroQuest Discord server and check in

–Wait for tables to be assigned

–Start games & have fun

–Record scores

This might sound complicated, but we’ll walk you through it. Here’s the details.

Do these steps in advance

How to Sign up for Discord

Discord is a communication platform that allows chat, voice and video. We use it to organize folks to play games together, and to communicate and socialize during the game. We encourage all players to use the voice chat during your games. We want to capture as much of the in-person gaming experience as we can. You will want a decent headset for the best experience.

To join Discord, go to

and download the App. Create a username. Remember, players must be 13 or older to sign up for Discord.

How to Locate the EuroQuest Discord server

We have our own private area on Discord that will only be for EuroQuest Virtual. You need to join that in order to get the information you will need to play the tournaments. You can also check there for any schedule updates before a tournament starts.

Put this link in your browser

You will be taken to a holding area. That channel is called #click-like-to-get-to-server

Read the rules and hit the green checkmark to show you accept our standards of behavior. You should also review our full rules for the Meeple League at:

EuroQuest Virtual is sponsored by the Games Club of Maryland (GCOM) and you can read their rules of conduct here:

Now you will be able to see all the channels. You can view the most up-to-date schedule at

# upcoming-schedule

How to Register for the gaming platforms

We’ll play our games on the best online version out there. All the sites are free to play. Look over the schedule and make sure you register for the correct sites. Here’s the websites:

Board Game Arena  (BGA)


Boite a jeux  Boite a jeux is a French site, but you can select English if you prefer it.

Note: If you want to play in Ticket to Ride, you must own the game. You can buy it through Steam and play on your desktop, or you can buy the App through Google Play or the Apple store. Ticket to Ride is often on sale.

If you want to use Steam you can find it at You can search for Ticket to Ride and purchase it there.

How to sign up for the tournaments

Meeple League uses a special site for registration and check-in for tournaments. You will need to create an account there.

Go to

and create a login.

You will see a list of the open tournaments for EuroQuest Virtual. All tournament names start with “EQ”. Select Enter next to the name of the tournament you are interested in.

You will need to enter your Discord name and your username on the gaming site. For example, you need your username on Board Game Arena if you want to play Saint Petersburg.  

Sign up for all the tournaments you are interested in. If you change your mind later and cannot play, just return to this site and Withdraw.

Do these Steps about 15 minutes before the tournament starts

Check In

Go back to Discord. You will see a logo for EuroQuest on the left side of your screen. Choose

#Check- in-and-pairings

This is a chat room and you can hang out there and chat with other players. The GM will be present to answer any questions.

There will be an announcement when it is time to check in for the heat. Click to check in.

Table Assignments

Once everyone is checked in, the GM will close out check in and the system will assign tables. You will see a list of tables and names. Locate your name and assignment. Look on the left side of the screen and click to move over to the appropriate table (called a channel on Discord). In the room you will hear the audio and can choose to use video if you wish.

Start games & have fun

Once all the players get to the table, one of the players must start the game on the actual game site. Usernames will be listed on the table assignment list. Make sure you select the correct options when setting up your game. If using BGA, choose the slowest setting or use the turn-based mode. Play the game until it is complete. If you have questions or problems, message the GM and they will drop by to help.

If you are playing in another tournament, you can return to the check-in channel. If you think you might qualify for the semi-final or final game, be sure to check back later.

Record scores

Once the game is over, the winner should go back to Bucket of Dice

and enter the scores. Do not close the game page until you have successfully entered the scores.  

After the game

We’ll post the winners on the EuroQuest and Meeple League Facebook pages after the tournament ends.  

These games will qualify for Meeple League Live Tournament points. After EuroQuest Virtual is over, you’ll be able to see any points you earned listed on the Meeple League site. You will be listed under the name you gave at Bucket of Dice.